
A Clinician-Generated Benchmark Dataset for Instruction Following with Electronic Medical Records

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The ability of large language models (LLMs) to follow natural language instructions with human-level fluency suggests many opportunities in healthcare to reduce administrative burden and improve quality of care. However, evaluating LLMs on realistic text generation tasks for healthcare remains challenging. Existing question answering datasets for electronic health record (EHR) data fail to capture the complexity of information needs and documentation burdens experienced by clinicians. To address these challenges, we introduce MedAlign, a benchmark dataset of 983 natural language instructions for EHR data. MedAlign is curated by 15 clinicians (7 specialities), includes clinician-written reference responses for 303 instructions, and provides 276 longitudinal EHRs for grounding instruction-response pairs. We used MedAlign to evaluate 6 general domain LLMs, having clinicians rank the accuracy and quality of each LLM response. We found high error rates, ranging from 35% (GPT-4) to 68% (MPT-7B-Instruct), and an 8.3% drop in accuracy moving from 32k to 2k context lengths for GPT-4. Finally, we report correlations between clinician rankings and automated natural language generation metrics as a way to rank LLMs without human review. We make MedAlign available under a research data use agreement to enable LLM evaluations on tasks aligned with clinician needs and preferences.



  title={MedAlign: A Clinician-Generated Dataset for Instruction Following with Electronic Medical Records},
  author={Scott L. Fleming and Alejandro Lozano and William J. Haberkorn and Jenelle A. Jindal and Eduardo P. Reis and Rahul Thapa and Louis Blankemeier and Julian Z. Genkins and Ethan Steinberg and Ashwin Nayak and Birju S. Patel and Chia-Chun Chiang and Alison Callahan and Zepeng Huo and Sergios Gatidis and Scott J. Adams and Oluseyi Fayanju and Shreya J. Shah and Thomas Savage and Ethan Goh and Akshay S. Chaudhari and Nima Aghaeepour and Christopher Sharp and Michael A. Pfeffer and Percy Liang and Jonathan H. Chen and Keith E. Morse and Emma P. Brunskill and Jason A. Fries and Nigam H. Shah},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.14089},